This Article is From Jul 12, 2016

Why China Lost Its Claim To South China Sea


China laid claimed to 85 per cent of the South China Sea before this ruling. (File Photo)

Hong Kong: A five judge tribunal at the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague today issued their award in a suit brought by the Philippines disputing Chinese actions in the South China Sea.

Here are some key elements from today's ruling:
  • That China has no "historic title" over the waters of the South China Sea.
  • Specifically, that the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea supercedes China's "Nine-dash line"- its 69-year-old claim to roughly 85 percent of the South China Sea.
  • That none of the features of the Spratly Islands off the Philippines' west coast give China any right to an exclusive economic zone. 
  • That China has interfered with traditional Philippines fishing rights, notably at Scarborough Shoal.
  • That Chinese oil exploration near Reed Bank violated the Philippines' sovereign rights.
  • That China damaged parts of the ecosystem of the Spratly Islands with activities such as overfishing and creating artificial islands.
  • That China's actions have aggravated its conflict with the Philippines at a time it was meant to be resolving them.
© Thomson Reuters 2016