This Article is From May 03, 2011

Will world see photos of dead Osama?

Washington: The White House today said that it was weighing whether or not to release pictures of Osama bin Laden's corpse to put at rest speculations and disbelief in some quarters about the death of world's most wanted fugitive.

"We are going to do everything we can to make sure that no body has any basis to try to deny that we got Osama bin Laden," Deputy National Security Advisor for Counter- terrorism and Homeland Security John Brennan told reporters.

"And so, therefore, the releasing of information and whether that includes photographs -- this is something to be determined," he said.

His remarks came after some key US lawmakers said releasing the photographs would put to rest speculation and prove that the Al Qaeda chief is really dead.

Senate Homeland Security Committee chairman Joseph Lieberman made the demand, saying it was necessary to release the pictures - as gruesome as they undoubtedly will be because he had been shot in the head - to quell any doubts of this being a ruse of the American government.

Backing the demand, another Senator, Susan Collins said the photographs would silence those who might try to generate the myth of bin Laden being alive.

She also called for an edited video tape and the DNA test carried out on bin Laden to be released.
Pakistani electronic media yesterday created a flutter by circulating a fake photograph of bin Laden's body after he had been shot.

Later, the media apologized and retracted the picture.
