This Article is From Dec 10, 2016

Wisconsin Judge Rejects Donald Trump Group Bid To Stop Vote Recount


Donald Trump is the president-elect of the United States.

A US judge on Friday rejected a request by supporters of President-elect Donald Trump to stop a vote recount in Wisconsin, where the Republican won by more than 27,200 votes in the Nov. 8 election, according to court documents.

Wisconsin is one of three states where Green Party candidate Jill Stein, who finished fourth in the presidential poll, sought recounts. Even if recounts in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin were all to go ahead, they would be extremely unlikely to change the outcome of Trump's win over Democrat Hillary Clinton.

Great America political action committee and Stop Hillary PAC had both gone to court last week to halt the recount, which is more than 88 percent complete, according to the Wisconsin Elections Commission.

"The recount is an inherent part of what ensures the integrity of elections," US District Judge James Peterson said, according to court transcripts.

Although Clinton won the national popular vote, by 2.6 million according to the latest count, she lost to Trump in the Electoral College, the 538-person body chosen state-by-state that actually selects the president.

Trump, who won a projected 306 electoral votes to Clinton's 232, takes office on Jan. 20. Neither Stein nor Libertarian Party candidate Gary Johnson won any Electoral College votes.

Federal law requires states to resolve disputes over the appointment of Electoral College voters by Dec. 13.

The three "Rust Belt" states narrowly supported Trump. The New York businessman and former reality TV star who has never previously held public office won by more than 68,000 votes in Pennsylvania and about 11,600 votes in Michigan, according to state figures.

In Pennsylvania, a federal judge was scheduled to hear arguments on Friday to begin a recount. In Michigan on Wednesday, a federal judge halted the recount in its third day by siding with a state appeals court that found Stein did not have grounds to mount the challenge.

Stein asked the Michigan Supreme Court to hear an appeal. She said the recount was aimed at reinforcing the integrity of Michigan's voting system, while Trump supporters called it a waste of money.

Two justices on Thursday disqualified themselves from the case because Trump had listed them as possible nominees to fill the US Supreme Court vacancy, according to court documents.
© Thomson Reuters 2016

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