This Article is From Mar 20, 2015

Yemen President Evacuated as Air Raid Targets Palace: Aide

Yemen President Evacuated as Air Raid Targets Palace: Aide

Armed Yemeni militiamen loyal to President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi, outside the Yemeni special forces command base in Aden, following clashes with Yemeni special forces opposed to the country's President. (AFP Photo)


Yemeni President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi was evacuated to safety on Thursday after a warplane targeted a palace in Aden where he is staying after fleeing political turmoil in the capital, an aide said.

"President Hadi has been evacuated to a safe place but he has not left the country," the source told AFP as the plane made a second pass over the palace in the southern port city.

Security forces, who deployed anti-aircraft guns to ward off the plane, said it had opened fire in a first pass but missed the palace, hitting a nearby hillside.

Hadi took refuge in Aden last month after fleeing house arrest in Sanaa under the Shiite Huthi militia that has taken control of the capital.

The insecurity has spread to Aden, where deadly clashes forced the closure of its international airport on Thursday.

At least six people were killed and 20 wounded in fierce fighting between supporters and opponents of Hadi, security sources said.

They said the clashes pitted a special forces unit loyal to the Huthis against pro-Hadi paramilitary fighters.
