Why we need institutions to solve the world's problems, by Prof Klaus Schwab http://t.co/qeWnnvqYTp #wef #wef15 pic.twitter.com/gpgC8rDnl2
- World Economic Forum (@wef) January 24, 2015
Noting that excitement among WEF participants about India is palpable, Mr Gurnani said that most people he has met were upbeat about India.
"We are doubling down on India," the Cisco chief said.

"That is the key ingredient," Mr Sikka said.

"Clearly energy is one sector where there is lot of excitement and interest that I am seeing from across the world," Power and Coal Minister Piyush Goyal said.

- Confident of India hitting the higher growth path
- Instead of concentrating on high growth rates, we went into debates on what is pro-poor and pro-rich in the past 10 years
- India had lost out to competing with China
- Investors are likely to judge us by the direction we have been following in the past 8 months
- Mere lip talk will not help, we must have a fair tax regime
- Investors will invest only if there is a stable, non-adversarial tax regime in India
- Those who are supposed to pay taxes must pay taxes
- Opening up of railways and defence is not a small reform
- Government has taken a lot of steps to accelerate growth through reforms
- We have a more liberal FDI policy that anywhere in the world
- One of the great setbacks of the last decade has been credibility of government declined
- India has unrealistic laws in the modern era of liberalization
- No government can risk giving spectrum for free after the 2G verdict in India
- We must not allow economic agenda to be derailed
- The fundamentals of our economy are strong
- We are in a position to absorb the shocks if oil prices go up and still grow
Confident of India hitting the higher growth path: Finance Minister Arun Jaitley at Davos debate
Finance Minister Arun Jaitley, noted economist Nouriel Roubini, ICICI Bank CEO Chanda Kochhar and Hari Bhartia, co-chairman and founder of Jubilant Life Sciences, at NDTV's World Economic Forum Debate in Davos. Watch this space for more

Finance Minister Arun Jaitley at Davos debate. Watch this space for more

John Chambers, chairman of the board and CEO of Cisco Systems Inc, in conversation with NDTV's Vikram Chandra. Watch this space for more

- We can do a lot more in India.There is amazing energy in India.
- Infosys encouraging start up companies
- Infosys commits Rs 1500 crore for new entrepreneurs
- Entrepreneurial spirit rising in India
- Biggest strength of Infosys is its ability to educate
After making financial history and entering the Guinness World Records, the Narendra Modi government's financial inclusion scheme Jan Dhan Yojana is creating a big buzz in Davos

- US labour costs have dropped dramatically
- Make in India' campaign signals an export tilt
- Europe has come a long way in two years
- ECB's move is very significant
- Low euro to make exports competitive
- US recovery has been astonishing
- Raghuram Rajan has handled the situation well
- RBI Has room to manoeuver on rates
- China's growth will be more realistic now
- India needs to create a million jobs per month
- Need to expand manufacturing in India
- Ease of doing business biggest challenge for India
- Expect next budget to be more focussed on growth
- Impressed with foreign policy initiatives by NDA government
- Deutsche Bank committed to becoming bigger in India
- Would have been a journalist if not a banker

India 'most important but difficult country' in climate change talks, says policy expert http://t.co/zOKEvYkTdA
- NDTV (@ndtv) January 23, 2015
What a panel! Facebook, Google, Microsoft and Vodafone on the future of the Internet. #WEF pic.twitter.com/oL2W1CmNyh
- Vikram Chandra (@vikramchandra) January 22, 2015
India and the United States have a mature relationship, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley told NDTV at the World Economic Forum in Davos, ahead of US President Obama's visit to India.

NDTV spoke to some of the top CEOs at the Davos meet on what they expect from the US President's visit.
There is going to be an increasing need for spectrum, Qualcomm Incorporated president Derek Aberle told NDTV.

Why did #Europe launch #QE? @JeffreyDSachs http://t.co/EQ1sJpicDp #Eurozone pic.twitter.com/fN8Q0mfPX1
- World Economic Forum (@wef) January 22, 2015
Anshu Jain, co-CEO of Deutsche Bank, with NDTV's Dr Prannoy Roy. Watch this space for more.
Had a panel of American CEOs with high hopes from the Obama visit. They felt the US must treat India as a key partner. #NDTVAtDavos
- Vikram Chandra (@vikramchandra) January 22, 2015

Had a panel of American CEOs with high hopes from the Obama visit. They felt the US must treat India as a key partner. #NDTVAtDavos
- Vikram Chandra (@vikramchandra) January 22, 2015

Amazing optimism about the India story once again at WEF! Let's hope it is justified! #NDTVAtDavos
- Vikram Chandra (@vikramchandra) January 22, 2015
"We should look at what has the government done over the last eight months," he said.

Though deflation is a risk for Europe, growth represents the biggest threat to the global economy, said Mr Rubenstein, co-founder and co-CEO of Carlyle Group.

- Hopeful of Passage of GST Bill in Next Parliament Session
- This government had a mandate to move fast and were moving at a rapid pace
- Low food prices have helped in maintaining low inflation
- States getting lower revenues but advantages of low oil are too many
- If we continue to take decisions at the pace we are, India will grow much faster
- Adversarial tax policy had scared investors away
- We are coming up with non-adversarial tax policies
- Creating procedures for advance rulings on tax liabilities
- We will not resort to sovereign power of retrospective taxation
- Creating procedures for advance rulings on tax liabilities
- Will rationalise subsidies and not abolish them
- On track to bring down the fiscal deficit target to 3% over the next couple of years
- Moving from cooperative federalism to competitive federalism
- Withdrawal of MAT is not easily possible
- We are narrowing down the areas of differences with the US and expanding areas of cooperation
- India and Russia have always been good friends
Finance Minister Arun Jaitley says government has a mandate to act fast, we are moving in right direction

In last few months deposits rate have softened, so lending rates may be lowered this quarter: ICICI Bank chief Chanda Kochhar to NDTV
Finance Minister Arun Jaitley shared the details of his meeting with economy and finance ministers of Switzerland. He spoke with NDTV's Shweta Rajpal Kohli on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum in Davos.

What's the wider impact of #QE? #futurefinance Co-CEO @DeutscheBankAG Anshu Jain https://t.co/VPJRELNL67
- World Economic Forum (@wef) January 22, 2015
#ndtvatdavos ICICI's Chanda Kochhar and SBI's Arundhati Bhattacharya at 'Make in India' lounge in Davos. pic.twitter.com/fcfPQJRYda
- NDTV Profit (@NDTVProfit) January 22, 2015
Interviewed Nobel prize winner Venki Ramakrishnan on the battle against antibiotic resistant bacteria. #NDTVatDavos pic.twitter.com/3aMVp7zZQi
- Vikram Chandra (@vikramchandra) January 21, 2015
Earlier on Wednesday, International Energy Agency's chief economist Fatih Birol also said that he expects prices - hovering at April 2009 lows - to rebound later this year.
Al Gore tells #WEF that global warming is a stark reality, but the good news is that we are ahead of targets on renewable energy.
- Vikram Chandra (@vikramchandra) January 21, 2015
Davos 2015: best pictures from day one: http://t.co/IlJmrhwExr pic.twitter.com/5Z6R0CsjV6
- World Economic Forum (@wef) January 21, 2015
Swiss Finance Minister Eveline Widmer Schlumpf has assured her Indian counterpart Arun Jaitley that the country is moving towards an automatic exchange of information and that they are hoping to introduce the new model in 2017.
If India continued in the course that it had taken in the last seven-eight months, "there is a lot that we can attract", the Finance Minister said.
Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis at #WEF15 on why investors should come to his state https://t.co/OshtlVrNy3 #ndtvatdavos
- NDTV (@ndtv) January 21, 2015
Dr Fatih Birol of International Energy Agency told NDTV that oil prices could rise towards the end of the year.
India energy demand will rise significantly. Energy sector should be given top priority: Dr Fatih Birol
Don't get too relaxed. $45-50 oil a temporary phenomenon: Dr Fatih Birol of IEA to NDTV at Davos
Arundhati Bhattacharya, chief of India's largest lender, said the government has been looking at ways to get projects framed in a better manner.
Business Mogul Richard Branson to NDTV at Davos: World has a lot of respect the way India is going right now #WEF2015 pic.twitter.com/qpljeXyp0q
- NDTV Profit (@NDTVProfit) January 21, 2015
Business Mogul Richard Branson to NDTV at Davos: We are setting up global satellite system. India will benefit from it. #WEF2015
- NDTV Profit (@NDTVProfit) January 21, 2015
Finance Minister Arun Jaitley to NDTV at Davos: #WEF2015 an apt opportunity to showcase India
- NDTV Profit (@NDTVProfit) January 21, 2015
Finance Minister Arun Jaitley to NDTV at Davos: Definitely seeing a lot of enthusiasm about India at #WEF2015 pic.twitter.com/DYtNt6Y5KG
- NDTV Profit (@NDTVProfit) January 21, 2015
Virgin Group Founder Richard Branson to NDTV in Davos: India enormously exciting now
- NDTV Profit (@NDTVProfit) January 21, 2015
Virgin Group Founder Richard Branson to NDTV in Davos: Bullish on aviation sector. Lower oil prices to benefit airlines
- NDTV Profit (@NDTVProfit) January 21, 2015
Virgin Group Founder Richard Branson to NDTV in Davos: Willing to Bet on India #WEF2015
- NDTV Profit (@NDTVProfit) January 21, 2015
Power Minister Piyush Goyal to NDTV at Davos: We are determined to push the reform agenda #WEF2015
- NDTV Profit (@NDTVProfit) January 21, 2015
Power Minister Piyush Goyal to NDTV at Davos: There is no roadblock to PM Modi's agenda
- NDTV Profit (@NDTVProfit) January 21, 2015
Power Minister Piyush Goyal to NDTV at Davos: People are looking up to investments in India. They see a revived sentiment in India #WEF2015
- NDTV Profit (@NDTVProfit) January 21, 2015
Power Minister Piyush Goyal to NDTV at Davos: India is the flavour of the season #WEF2015 pic.twitter.com/RRidoIMg4p
- NDTV Profit (@NDTVProfit) January 21, 2015
SBI chief Arundhati Bhattacharya to NDTV in Davos: Financial inclusion and direct transfer of benefits can help in plugging subsidy leakage
- NDTV Profit (@NDTVProfit) January 21, 2015
SBI chief Arundhati Bhattacharya to NDTV in Davos: This year there is much more interest in India than last year #WEF2015
- NDTV Profit (@NDTVProfit) January 21, 2015
Dr Fatih Birol of International Energy Agency to NDTV: India should not relax about low oil prices
- NDTV Profit (@NDTVProfit) January 21, 2015
Make the most of low oil prices which could be a temporary phenomenon: IEA's message to India #WEF2015
- NDTV Profit (@NDTVProfit) January 21, 2015
Abundant supply and weak global cut driving oil prices lower: Dr Fatih Birol, chief economist of International Energy Agency #WEF2015
- NDTV Profit (@NDTVProfit) January 21, 2015
"Building the India of our dreams". It will be a big theme at Davos! pic.twitter.com/P6xEDUzmZy
- Vikram Chandra (@vikramchandra) January 21, 2015
What are the key sessions to look out for during Davos 2015? Your day-by-day guide: http://t.co/qEr1YGKZWz #wef15 pic.twitter.com/RfhpaAADP5
- World Economic Forum (@wef) January 21, 2015
Black money talks: Finance Minister Arun Jaitley to meet his Swiss counterpart in Davos today #WEF2015
- NDTV Profit (@NDTVProfit) January 21, 2015
The highlight of the World Economic Forum annual meeting this year at Davos is PM Narendra Modi's pet project 'Make in India'.
Infosys has been called a company in transition for a while now, but the management seems to have moved on. NDTV's Prashant Nair caught up with Infosys chief executive officer Pravin Rao in Davos.

While the PM Modi deserves credit for changing the mood around in India, crashing oil prices have helped India too, giving our oil guzzling country a fresh lease of life.

T K Kurien also said that too much is being made of the layoffs in the IT industry, as dropping non-performers out of teams is normal for every enterprise.
Chief executives are more worried than a year ago about the global economic outlook, as deflation stalks Europe and commodity prices wilt.

Globally, the big talking point likely will be - is global disinflation now one of the biggest worries following the collapse of oil prices.

Speaking exclusively to NDTV ahead of his departure, the Maharashtra Chief Minister said, "I'll be speaking on two major issues. One is food security and the other is biotechnology.

WEF calls it 'Open Forum Davos' and the six sessions would dwell on current affairs, globalisation, immigration, religion, democracy and pandemics.

Private Jets, Choppers Ferry Global Elite to WEF Meet
Nearly 2,000 private jets have been commissioned, mostly by business leaders, to attend the Davos meeting.
India may outsmart China in terms of growth rate in a few years, global analytics and information services major HIS said here on the first day of WEF's annual meeting.

Davos: From Medical Tourism to Skiing to Economic Talk Fest
Once famous for being a summer health resort, Davos has gradually emerged as a major winter sport hub on Alps, but its biggest claim to fame for the past four decades has been World Economic Forum's Annual Meeting every January, beginning 1971
The best advice I've received: Never stop studying http://t.co/33QmpgxWDR #work #education #leadership pic.twitter.com/QQ7rG6tKE7
- World Economic Forum (@wef) January 20, 2015
Year of Disasters Sinks Trust in Business and Governments
The annual Edelman Trust Barometer, released in Davos, showed a sharp decline in trust across the board with faith in governments, business, media and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) below 50 per cent in two-thirds of countries.
Swiss Armed Forces have deployed 5,000 personnel to secure this remote town that has a population of about 10,000 and will host over 2,500 of the global elite through this week.

As the rich and powerful from across the world began descending on this Alpine resort town on Tuesday, they are finding everything costlier -- thanks to an unprecedented rally in local currency Swiss franc's valuation.

World leaders meeting in Davos this week are likely to agree that inequality is a problem but unlikely to do anything about it, the head of the International Labour Organization said.

Who's coming to #Davos 2015? http://t.co/2f2WqMLlmA #wef15 pic.twitter.com/xBKyxjEbPr
- World Economic Forum (@wef) January 19, 2015
Professor Klaus Schwab on Davos 2015 http://t.co/3W7uYs2hk8 #wef15 pic.twitter.com/eMbAXDZ8CG
- World Economic Forum (@wef) January 19, 2015

Klaus Schwab also told The Associated Press that the big risk now is the world moving into a cycle of deflation.
Why social entrepreneurs are crucial to Davos 2015 http://t.co/VqHglw4KLI pic.twitter.com/WBPGGVfqDO
- World Economic Forum (@Davos) January 19, 2015
India's solar power innovation http://t.co/AuBnYKq2TG pic.twitter.com/IDgpYJVu5Y
- World Economic Forum (@Davos) January 19, 2015
The pandemic risk in today's cities http://t.co/y3xYV29LYW pic.twitter.com/vt6tS0i5yT
- World Economic Forum (@Davos) January 19, 2015
"The scale of global inequality is quite simply staggering and despite the issues shooting up the global agenda, the gap between the richest and the rest is widening fast," Oxfam executive director Winnie Byanyima said.
Davos predictions: Win some, lose some http://t.co/ssCvsCJ4Co
- NDTV Profit (@NDTVProfit) January 19, 2015
Geopolitical issues are considered to be the biggest threat to global stability over the coming decade, according to experts polled by the World Economic Forum.